viernes, 19 de noviembre de 2010
jueves, 18 de noviembre de 2010
This Sunday will be decisive in Greece . The country will celebrate regional elections, and depends of the result, could signify advanced country elections and, naturally reduce the budget of Administration services and the cost of Greek parliament.
From Government opinion, these elections will be like a barometer. In one hand, the result will made it clear if people supports the hardest economics politics to reduce the constancy increasing debt of the Nation, or in the other hand they are totally against.
The First Greek Minister Yorgos Papandreu, has announced that depending which result they got in the ballot box, they will do a convocation to celebrate national anticipated elections.
According to PASOK Sources, Social Democratic Party, give as a fact, that will be anticipated elections, if they win, at list in 5 of the 13 Greek regions, or if the advanced against his more proper rival is less than 4%.
The latest Poll, two weeks ago, shows an advance of the 5.5%.
However, expert’s politician’s annalists give these advices: Seems a government strategy to know Greeks opinions about his economical program more than a significant chance for the country.
1) Hello, my oral presentation will be about football.
I choose this subject because I’m very fond of football; I’ve been playing football all my life.
Here in Spain, specially this year after winning the world cup, this sport is very well considered and very amusing.
2) The rules of this game are really important. The most important are:
- Out of game
- It is forbid to touch the ball with the hands
-You are not allowed to do foul. Is a player do it, the team is penalizing with penalty.
3) To guarantee the rules have been respected for both teams, there is 5 referees how control every play.
4) The playing field is 120 meters length for 90 meters wide. The grass could be natural or artificial.
5) Football was established in 1863 by the Football Association. The best teams in Spain are Barça (that’s the one I support) and Real Madrid.
But, to be honest, I consider the Portuguese Ronaldo as the best world player. I admire him very much. He started to play when he was very young, as a friend of mine ho actually with only 17 years old plays for Barça young team.
6) Football is divides in different categories, depending how good the team is, and sometimes how lucky they are.
If you achieve one of the four first places the team will past to a superior category.
If, for contrary, you are in the last four places you got down to a lower category.
Watch a game of the first football division is a really nice experience; the problem is the tickets that usually are really expensive.
In my opinion if you watch a game in Spain you enjoy every moment of this spectacular entertainment, but in England is different because, I believe the play football more brute.
Become and elite sport player is a dream for many people, but very difficult to achieve. But the reward deserved the effort.
But I recommended to play football as a hobby, is very healthy and very funny.
I hope you have found this presentation useful. Thank you for your attention.
My conclusión of the power poin, is the an very nervous.
Not look very to people.
I said all the power poin, but I look to some the paper.
The power poin I like becaus had a litter lyrics, and the power poin lasted litter time.
Like to the people for listenen and for repecting when speack.
The first free training session of Brazil Grand Prix has started not very well for Fernando Alonso’s interest. The Asturian’s Pilot, is the only one who have some mathematics options to be declared champion, in this complicated circuit, but unfortunately, his Ferraris’s has had mechanics problems so he wasn’t allowed to finish to race.
Just one minute before finishing the training session, Fernando Alonso’s car suddenly stops, what a shame after given 20 rounds to the circuit, so he just had the 13 place. Good mark, but very far from his direct rivals.
The Red Bull team, with Vettel and Webber has dominated the race in front of the two McLaren’s cars.
Fernando Alonso has to resign himself to be number 13. Even in the training race Ferraris has realize that Red Bull and McLaren were in advance of his team.
Seems that Alonso’s Ferrari has had a serious mechanic problem in the engine, just minutes before the race finish. In despite of this problem, Alonso’s will do his best in the competition, and in the second training race.
Brazil Grand Prix will start at 17:00 p.m. and you can enjoy following the racing by watching in TV3. In will be very exciting for all Alonso’s fans and for Alonso’s rivals too.
My opinon this is a Fernando Alonso could get the champions, still the dificult.
It is very bad, the is a one posision to be champion ship.

18 persons have past away in 16 traffics accidents this week-end, counting since Friday 16:00 p.m. until Sunday 00:00 p.m.
This accidents let 13 seriously injured and 36 injured but in a stable condition. Most of the persons injured were traveling in a Bus who, for strange circumstances, has overturned in Pontevedra, explain the General Direction of Traffic in Spain (DGT).
The worse of that accident was that all the passengers were guests of a wedding, and without a logical explanation the bus overturn in Catoira a Caldas, causing the instantly death of a passenger and 29 injured.
Another bus was had an accident. In this case, has been worse than the other, because the bus has crash against a car, causing the immediately death of the 2 front occupants of the car, and seriously injures to the 2 passengers behind. That accident has occurred in Toledo County, in Alcaudete de la Jara.
The DGT Organism has informed of the death of tree motorist in different accidents.
The statistics show that this year, until 03/10/10, 1.299 persons have past away, 186 less than the same period last year. So, in despite of the circumstances, that represent a 12, 5% less accidents.
In my opinon this is wold control more the police en the motorbikes and the side cars.
It is very bad many dead, becuse the drivers not control.
Adrian Mole was a quiet child; in despite of complaining sometimes for certain things, but Tracy and Evie were real rude girls, always in problems.
Tracy and Evie use to smoke, they use to have drugs, and Tracy has a disorder mental problem, so she uses to cut herself with a knife. Evie drank a lot of alcohol. In contrast Adrian Mole was a healthy and responsible child, who never has alcohol, cigarettes or drugs.
Tracy’s mother wants to take care of her daughter but his father is more worried for his job than for his daughter.
Adrian’s parents use to take any notes of him.
Tracy and Evie used to steel drugs, for selling it latter and for her own consume but Adrian Mole never rob anything, in despite that his bicycle has been rob.
Adrian was a formal boy, he was interested in girls to have a serious relationship, but Tracy and Evie used to be with lots of boy just to have fun.
Adrian was truly and an honest boy, but Tracy and Evie were liars and false, just to gain something.
“Nothing Book”
“Nothing” has had a big influence in my childhood. What can I say about this great book?? Laforet is a marvelous writer and I was such a good reader. She was only 20 years old when her novel was published and I was 17 years old when I had read it.
This book reflect all the pain and disaster effects of the after war period.
As much as you read as much as you feel, is a mixture between concern and sadness. I find myself identified with Andrea. Perhaps was her aged, her depressing character, or could be her anxiety for studying literature.
A young woman from a little village arrived to Barcelona; she wants to study at the University. Aribau Street and the University were a very crowded center all the time. The streets and the place where she is accommodated were quite similar with her new family. She has to be with her grandmother and her uncles: a young lady trying to bring some peace at home, 2 brothers confronted, Gloria, who acts like a marionette, and Auntie Angustias, a very complicated women always depress and bitter, who finally decided to become a nun because she is afraid about others opinions.
For contrary, the University is another world. She meets a young lady very pretty, from a well-known and reaches family. She is blond and rebel, but she becomes Andrea’s best friend and the only happiness for her.
I can say a lot of things about this novel but for resuming I would say “nothing”.

martes, 16 de noviembre de 2010
On Saturday I wake up a little bit late, around 11:00 a.m., more or less. I use to take a fresh shower; I dress up and have breakfast. After finishing breakfast I use to do to the gym.
In the gym I do sport for 2 hours and relaxation exercises. Then I come back home, just in time to have lunch.
On Saturdays my Mother use to cook rice with chicken, then I go o my room, to do the homework, studying and I use to connect my computer to Internet, so I can chat with my friends.
Around 4 o’clock my friends use to come to pick me up. Then we decided what to do: Play football, play with the play station and do some plans for the night.
At 8 I use to come back home, to take another shower and dress me up for going out. We use to go to JR BAR to have dinner and then we pick up the cars and go to Empuriabrava, to a pub to have a drink. Then we go to the discothèque to dance and spend some time. After dancing, we are starving, so we go to Charito’s Bar to have a sandwich or snack and then we return home to have a rest.
I love Saturdays, is the best day of the week, if I can choose I wish everyday will be Saturday.
This summer has been the anniversary of my dear friend Mariana and all of us had decided to do a surprise party for her.
We rent a bungalow in a camping, in the seaside, for 2 days and 1 night.
On Friday all of us have arrived to the camping, around 9 o’clock and one hour later our fiends Mariana came. What a big surprise!!!
On day long we have been in the beach, playing games and sunbathing. At night we have been on the beach doing games and having such a lovely time!!! We go to bed around 5 really exhausted, and early in the morning, well it was at 10 a.m., we woke up to clean and tidy the bungalow, because we have to leave around 12 to return home by bus.
It was very funny and we enjoy it very much. I wish my friend do the same to me for my birthday.
My favourite sport is football. I started to play football in C.F. Esplais when I was only 4 years old, and been such a small kid I use to train 2 times a week.
When I was 8 years old I was very cross with my trainer, so I leave the team and moove to another one, in this case with A.E. Roses.
With this team we just to train 3 times a week, and for me the chance was very good because my collegues were very nice.
With 15 years old Figueres Team invite me to play with them. It was such a good opportunity for me, because I learned a lot of things during the year I have been in Figueres Footbal Team. The trainers were very professionals.
One year later I have change the sport. I played indoors football with Esplais Club. We have made a marvellous team with all my friends.
It is a shame this year we don’t have that opportunity in Castello d’Empuries. Figueres Footbal Team offers me to go again with them but in year is very complicated for me, I have lots of things to do ans studing, so it will be impossible to go to every training ans every match, so finnally I decided to start to go to the gym.
I am very proud of my family because they are really hard workers. My grandparents, from my mother side, use to a have a Baker Shop. My grandfather was the baker, a very honest man, he past away a few years ago and we still miss hem. My grandmother is a very nice lady, very kind and likeable. She uses to sell the bread in the shop.
My gransparents, from my father side, are complitely differents. My granfather is a real caracter, all day mouning and he is a bit stingy, but he loves me very much. My grandmother is a very persistence, but she gives me everything I want.
My oncles has been like parents for me, because my aunty takes care of my when I was a baby, so my mother can work. She is a housekeeper and my oncle have small buiding bussiness.
My cousine is a sport teacher; she is a lovely person, very funny and happy. She have a relation ship with an indoors football player. He is a very nice boy. My cousine is pregnant and they are really happy.
My father works as a lorry driver. He loves driving big Lorries. He is a bit like hes Dad, a real caracter, but he loves me very much and he gives me encouragement and supports all my lives.
My Mother is always worried for me, sometimes is worse than my Dad, but is a great person.
My brother, who is a year older than me, works ans study for become a mechanic.
I have a very good relationship with my brother and my family.
Finally a have a little dog, very naughty but very funny.
Medieval festival
Castelló d’Empuries celebrates a famous festival during the 11 of September week. This year was specially because in was the 20 anniversary.
On Friday the party program started with a special dinner inspirited in the medieval food. Peppermint soup and roasted chicken, cooked as they do in the 15 century.
On Saturday is a special show consisting in a tourney, where the knights fights against each other with the joust, but as a show.
On Sunday is programmed the special market, with lots of different products, all medieval, like oils, herbs, soaps…. But if you want to buy anything you have to chance, first of all, your money for special mediaeval coins, then you are allow to buy whatever you like.
During this special happening you can do a tour for the special places like: Flour Museum, The Prison, The Church, Santa Clara’s Convent…..
All village gives support to this event, working as volunteers in the market, the shops remain opened until very late at night, all the citizens are wearing medieval disguises for given more atmosphere, and to attend all the visitors properly.
At night there are a few spectacles, with light around the church, witches and brothels.
All the streets are embellished with medieval ornaments. You can even do a walk up in a donkey.
They cooked a cow like they do it in the medieval time.
My Favorite Friend
My best friend is Josue Currais. He is the same age as me, 17 years old. We live in the same neighborhood and all our life we have share lots of things: going to school together, playing football….
When he was 9 years old, he was invited to play in Figueres Football team, so the family move to lives to Figueres, then were impossible to sea us so often, but we still have contact. Then he received one offer from Girona Football team, he plays in Girona for a short period, but he learned a lot.
When he was 16 years old he received a few offers from Barcelona Football Club, Villareal, Valencia, Getafe and Zaragoza.
My friend Josue have to study all the offers and finally he took the decision to play for Barcelona Football Club, so actually he study, lives, and play football in Barcelona.
His parents have move recently to Castello d’Empuries, so some week-ends he comes to visit them and we can see each other more often.
I am very proud of my friend and I wish his dreams come true: become an elite football player.
domingo, 14 de noviembre de 2010
My life
My name's Ernest Castro. I'm 17 years old. My birthday is on the 4th december.
I'm a student at IES Castelló d' Empúries. I'm studying batxillerat.
My hobby is football. I play in C.F. Roses.
My star sign is sagitarió, it is a good sign.
I like spaghetti and chicken.
My favorite music is house and regeeton, they're fantastic.
I don't like reading.
My best friend is Chena Jawo, he is black, but in my I class my best friends are Mariana and Ariadna, I go out the with theam.
In the future I'd like to travel around the word, and meet new people.
When I'll get married, I'll have two children.
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