martes, 16 de noviembre de 2010


I am very proud of my family because they are really hard workers. My grandparents, from my mother side, use to a have a Baker Shop. My grandfather was the baker, a very honest man, he past away a few years ago and we still miss hem. My grandmother is a very nice lady, very kind and likeable. She uses to sell the bread in the shop.
My gransparents, from my father side, are complitely differents. My granfather is a real caracter, all day mouning and he is a bit stingy, but he loves me very much. My grandmother is a very persistence, but she gives me everything I want.
My oncles has been like parents for me, because my aunty takes care of my when I was a baby, so my mother can work. She is a housekeeper and my oncle have small buiding bussiness.
My cousine is a sport teacher; she is a lovely person, very funny and happy. She have a relation ship with an indoors football player. He is a very nice boy. My cousine is pregnant and they are really happy.
My father works as a lorry driver. He loves driving big Lorries. He is a bit like hes Dad, a real caracter, but he loves me very much and he gives me encouragement and supports all my lives.
My Mother is always worried for me, sometimes is worse than my Dad, but is a great person.
My brother, who is a year older than me, works ans study for become a mechanic.
I have a very good relationship with my brother and my family.
Finally a have a little dog, very naughty but very funny.

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