jueves, 18 de noviembre de 2010


The first free training session of Brazil Grand Prix has started not very well for Fernando Alonso’s interest.  The Asturian’s Pilot, is the only one who have some mathematics options to be declared champion, in this complicated circuit, but unfortunately, his Ferraris’s has had mechanics problems so he wasn’t allowed to finish to  race.

Just one minute before finishing the training session, Fernando Alonso’s car suddenly stops, what a shame after given 20 rounds to the circuit, so he just had the 13 place. Good mark, but very far from his direct rivals.

The Red Bull team, with Vettel and Webber has dominated the race in front of the two McLaren’s cars.
Fernando Alonso has to resign himself to be number 13. Even in the training race Ferraris has realize that Red Bull and McLaren were in advance of his team.

Seems that Alonso’s Ferrari has had a serious mechanic problem in the engine, just minutes before the race finish. In despite of this problem, Alonso’s will do his best in the competition, and in the second training race.

Brazil Grand Prix will start at 17:00 p.m. and you can enjoy following the racing by watching in TV3. In will be very exciting for all Alonso’s fans and for Alonso’s rivals too.
My opinon this is a Fernando Alonso could get the champions, still the dificult.
It is very bad, the is a one posision to be champion ship.

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