sábado, 5 de marzo de 2011

Change law

This year on September the 1st the age that you con drive a motorbike.
The age will be increased from 14 years old to 16 years old.
I think, on the one hand, this is a good decision.
I had a lot of accidents when I was 14 and got my liscense, 14 years old is too young to be responsible of a vehicle.
The majority of 14 years olds do not realised the danger and do not concentrate.
On the other hand if they can not drive their own motorbike they will just go on passenger behind someone else and this is also dangerous.
Possibily they will not wear a crash helmet, possibly the driver is irresponsible.
I am still not sure if I think the change is a good or bad.


This film is about racial prejudice. A couple is involed in carjacking nad their car is stolen.
From this beginning we see different people whit different problems and differents ideas about people and races.
The film is also about police corruption.
It is a strange film because it begins at the end you only understand what has happened when you watch all the film.
I enjoyed this fim and recommend you see it.


Teenagers lying in at the weekend might seem like laziness, but it will actually help them stay slim and healthy, claim scientists. 

Scientists studied children aged five to 15.They found the children that slept late on Saturday and Sunday mornings had less weight problems.
New research tells us staying in bed at the end of a busy week is what children need to stop obesity.
They believe the extra sleep is important for school children to recuperate on the sleep they miss during a busy week.
If they are asleep longer, it helps to lower calories from snacks.
Now we have a good excuse to stay in bed at the weekend

Film: Bruce Almighty.

The protagonist (Jim Carrey) loses his work, his wife (Jenifer Aniston) and he is very angry with his life. He has the opportunity to be God (Morgan Freeman) for one week.

He thinks this will be easy work. He discovers that this work is more difficult than he thought. Too many problems to organise, too many decisions. At the final he does not want to be God and wants to return to the life before. His life before is better.

Film: 2012

Centuries ago, the Mayas left us a calendar with a date that predicted the end of the world. Since then, astrologers have discovered that the earth's days are numbered. Even governament scientists do not deny the terrible events that await the land in 2012. In 2012 like the prophecy said, begins the tsunamis earthquakes and explosions
This movie is like something that could happen though unlikely, I also like it because there's enough intrigue and action.

miércoles, 2 de marzo de 2011


I first of eso I begun with all my friends.It was a disastrous year, I'm didn't studing to much. The teachers was bad with me. Year is repit the first of eso.
An important teacher for me is Laura Riera she was my theacher of first of eso, She helps my to studing every day.
My best friends is my friends to the primary school. My friends new were
is Quim and Simon.
I lot more people.
Some difficult moments was when I repit firts of eso. This moments was very difficult for me and I feel very sad.
Break time moments is a moment that I really like and breakfast and my friends. Is a relaxation time and think.
In conculsion is that the time I have been studying at least serve to learn and get to know many new things in the world. The latter course is exo me quite hard and long. I Thanks to the teacher who helped me I could get the graduate school, such as the Laura Riera
I am currenty doing firs batxillerat because I study to be teacher to the gym.

martes, 1 de marzo de 2011


Well, Scotland is a country that is a part of United Kingdom. It is occupying the northeast part of the island of Great Britain. It shares a border with England to the south and is bounded by the North Sea to the east, and the Atlantic Ocean to the north and west.         The capital is Edinburgh, which has got more of 600.000 people
The Scotland history begins around 10,000 years ago, when humans began to inhabit what is now Scotland, after the ens of ice age.
The recorded history of Scotland begins with the arrival of the Roman Empire in Bbritain.
Scotland seemed a peripheral country slow to gain adbances, but over time began to improve.
For the IIIth century until the XIIIth century the Celts were in charge of the Scoltish Crown, which began in 840 and the last was Alexander III, who completed his regn in 1249.
Talking about the geographical orientation of Scotland and his strong reliance on trade routes by sea. Scotland was independed to the south. with the Baltic contries, with France and the European continent. Following the Acts of Union which united Scotland with England ans started the Industrial Revolution. Scotland became one of the commercial, intellectual and industrial powerhouse of Europ.
Scotland's cooking share many characteristick of England.
In genaral, Scottish cuisme is characterized by her simplicity, using natural products by milk, meat, fish, fruits and vegetables, they also like use spices and herbs.
The haggis is the best know Scottish dish.
It consists on a heavy sausage that is traditionally served with potatoes.
It is a spicy dish with intense flavor, but there are many recipes. Usually cooked with lamb or sheep (lung, liver or heart), mixed with onions, oatmeal, herbs and spices...
This dish is traditionally eaten on Burns Supper every 25th Jenuary, the day which commemorates Scotland's national poets Robert Buns.
The most internation ans popular drink in Scotland is whisky.
CLIMATE:                                                                                                                          The climate of Scotland is temperate and oceanic, and tends to be very changeable. However, temperatures are generally lower than in the rest of the Reino Unido.
Winter maximums average 6ºC in the lowlands, with summer maximums averaging 18ºC.Tiree, in the Inner Hebrides, is one of the sunniest places in the country. The western highlands of Scotland are the wettest place.
Heavy snowfall is not common in the lowlands.