sábado, 4 de junio de 2011


The emergenci of cumcuber and tomato or detected in Alemania, the intoxication has caused sixteen dead i more  the 1600 affected.

That bacteri produce the infection ?
The produce the bacteri Escherichia coli or E-coli, found in the intestins of animals and person.
The basteri damage keidneys.

That effects on health ?
The effects on healh are diarrhea sanguinis, one disease known as Uremic Hemolitic.
The symptoms inffection are damage abdominal, diarrhea sanguinis, vomiting and mild fever.

As able to reach these basteri to cucumbre ?
Can come to faeces the animals cattle and sheep in the food that arrived the man by way oral, by hands inffected, by process the pollution waters that animals drink.

Has there been any case in Spain ?
If given one case in Spain the day 31th may. Is man affected to virus, because was travel to Alemania and there is pollute virus. 

Who is affected ?
Affected all world.
Affected principal in the persons adults and speciality in the women.

In also belive that shall elimation all cucumber and tomato the merkat.
In conclusion have to search to solucion fast for avoid died and diseasses.

-  My don't affected more because not like cucumbers and tomato.
-  I affected in the world depend if consumed this product or not.

WEB: http://www.rtve.es/noticias/20110601/todo-hay-saber-crisis-pepinos/435576.shtml

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