lunes, 28 de febrero de 2011

My father

Eleuterio is this like friend. He’s tall, green-eyed and he’s short brown hair, and he’s is small. He’s quite very attractive and very elegant.

Eleuterio seem rather extroverted when you first meet her, but on the inside he's quite shy. He’s has one caracter very strong, but is easy of convince. He isn't a very aggressive person. He’s i like win, and lost get angry and becomes this angry. Eleuterio is very sociable.

One thing that I really like about Eleuterio is that she's never two-faced and she always tells me what's on her mind. Those are good qualities in a father.

Education in Catalonia

The countries in the world have very diferent custums and very country follos the educacion that it wants.
Moreover in Europe there are classifications and this depends on the economic system of the country.
In the case of Spain it is at the bottom of the list referring to education and economic system. Catalonia is example of the bad systems of educacion.
That this fact caused by immigration and the system that the government has introduced.
The immigration is a very important factor because a lot of people have to live and these people don't study.
I agree that some high schools separate the classes into levels. In this way the students want to study work haarder and study more and for the students have more dificult studying the level is lower.
The educacion system in Catalonia should change and the perhaps be more like the systems in the Germany.

The pianist

Wladyslaw Azplman is the main character of this drama.
He is aa well known Polish pianist. He lives in Warsaw with his family, they are Polish Jews.
When the war starts all the family is sent to a ghetto in Warsaw with other Jews and he earns his living play the piano in bars and cafes.
Then the family is separated and they are sent to diferent concentration camps, some of this family dies ik the camps.
Wladyslaw escape from the camp and some people help him to hide.
He live in difernet apartaments and his friends him food.
After a time, nobody come and he goes to another house, but then the germans come.
A germans captain friends but he doesn't tell anybody and he give him some food.
Wladyslaw is saved but most of his family has died.
In my opinion this is a very interesting film, because it shows us how the jews lived during the war.
I liked this film because it is about real life and it makes you think a lot.
The director of this film was Roman Polanski, he was Polish and he lived in Poland during the nazi invasion.


Carnival is very important in Brazil. They have very funny accurate dances.
Carnival begins months before arrange because they have to lots of things.
Carnival in Spain isn't as important , as carnival in Brazil.
I started to dress up witch my friends four years ago.
In 2007 I dressed up as a cook. My costume was formed by an white apron and a chef's hat.
In 2008 I dressed up as a cheer leader. Our dance was very fanny. He danced in the streets.
In 2009 I dressed up as a pintor . We dressed up with overols, We have a pinzel.
In 2010 I dressed up as corsario. It was very cold with this dress, We have a sword.
In 2011 I will dress up a monkey, because so that we haven't cold.
This year we also thinking that we can't prepare a float, and prepare a lot of eat and drink.
This year are a lot of people.
Mariana's father is this year drive the float.
I think that this year will be the best carnival of my life.